Who is making this? why?

So you might be curious about who is making this? 

Well, these two are the ones to blame:


FJ Dib (writer)

FJ Dib is a inter-dimensional time traveler that came here to warn us about impending doom. But his time-travel-inter-dimensional spaceship broke down and crashed a few years too early in the wrong continent.

As a consequence of the accident, FJ got amnesia, so now he doesn't remember what it is that he was supposed to warn us about.

In the meantime he writes stuff in the hope that his memory will come back in one of his stories, and thus humanity can be saved.

He also does non-transcendental programming work stuff to feed and shelter him and his family.

Jorge Gaboto Hirosh (artist)

My name is Jorge Luis Gabotto, or Hiorsh, born June 4th in 1972.   I am a cartoonist and writer from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I've always liked to narrate, and I did it whenever I had a chance, from telling a movie, singing a song or just telling a joke.

The comic, for me, is the concretion of many arts together, a stylistic summit that combines several languages for the narrative. The comic is drawing, evocative plastic expression of techniques such as perspective, color management, human figure, and so on. And the comic is literature, narrative, climates, tensions and beauty in words. The comic, is cinema, is movement, are lights and cameras playing roles from the reader-spectator complicity. It is many things.


Why are they doing this?

That's a very good question. Isn't it?