Federico Dib (6)

Issue #0 Now Available

Issue #0 is now live! You can read it at: and


Let us introduce you to the crew. These are the five. Buko "The 'Captain'"Bouncer "The Dancing Bodyguard"Gor "The Pirate"Kim "The Liberator"Just Shen

What is this thing?

What is this MudTown thing you speak of?The MudTown Crew is a comic book / graphic novel series.Issue #0 is out now. You can read it now FREE at GlobalComix.comIt consists of 5 issues mini-series, but hopefully we'll manage to release more of this universe.

Want so see some? 

Here are some crops and pages from Issue #0. We hope you enjoy, and if you like what you see, Subscribe to get updates. There's more coming.

Who is making this? why?

So you might be curious about who is making this? Well, these two are the ones to blame: FJ Dib is a inter-dimensional time traveler that came here to warn us about impending doom. But his time-travel-inter-dimensional spaceship broke down and crashed a few years too…